The Bleaching Technique of Vital Teeth with Enamel Discolorations, according to R.E.Goldstein, D.D.S. Update course in Aesthetic Dentistry. Centro Ortodontico Varesino. Varese, Italy, 8 July 1989.
Therapeutic Choises in Cosmetic Dentistry: the Laminate Veneers. 3rd National Congress of Accademia Estetica Dentale Italiana. Riva del Garda (Tn), Italy, 24-25 March 1990.
Effect of Optical Illusion in Aesthetic Dentistry. International Congress of Restorative Dentistry. Padova, Italy, 21-22 April 1990.
Colour: Therapeutic Choises in Aesthetic Dentistry. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Milanese. Milano, Italy, 26 March 1991.
Therapeutic Choises in Aesthetic Dentistry. Update seminar for the University of Cagliary, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthetics, School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 7 May 1991.
Restaurative and Prosthetic Choises in Aesthetic Dentistry. Update seminar for the University of Cagliary, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthetics, School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 8 May 1991.
Aesthetic Choises in Paediatric Dentistry. 79th Annual World Dental Congress. Federation Dentaire International. Milano, Italy, 7-13 October 1991.
Bleaching Techniques of non Vital and Vital Teeth. 79th Annual World Dental Congress. Federation Dentaire International. Milano, Italy, 7-13 October 1991.
Therapeutic Indications of Ceramic on Metallic Structures, and Ceramics without Metallic Structures. IV Giornate Mediterranee di Odontoiatria. Napoli, Italy, 28-29 febbraio - 1 March 1992.
Aesthetic Approach in Daily Practice. Cultural Meeting Bayer. Milano, Italy, 6-7 March 1992.
Aesthetic and Biocosmetics. Bleaching, Veneering, Aesthetic Fillings. 3rd Update Course in Paediatric Dentistry. Italian Society of Children's Dentistry. Parma, Italy, 20-21 March 1992.
Choises in Cosmetic Dentistry. Accademia di Estetica Dentale Italiana. 5th National Simposium. Riva del Garda, Italy, 4-5 April 1992.
Aesthetic: Which Therapy? Update seminar for the University of Cagliary, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthetics, School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 7 May 1991.
Ceramic or Metal-Ceramic? Aesthetic Options in the Laboratory. Update seminar for the University of Cagliary, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthodontics. School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 8 May 1991.
Bleaching Teeth. First Days of Dentistry of University of Sassari, Sardegna. Sassari, Italy, 10 May 1992.
Aesthetic Criteria in Daily Dental Practice. Cultural Programme of Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani. Genova, Italy, 19 June 1992.
Aesthetics as an Art, as Harmony and as an Integration. University of Parma. Parma, Italy, 10 October 1992.
Aesthetics in Orthodontics and Pediatric Pathologies. University of Parma. Parma, Italy, 10 October 1992.
Conical Tooth: Which Therapy?. 8th Congress of Societa' Italiana di Odontoiatria Infantile. Cernobbio (Co), Italy, 16-18 October 1992.
Aesthetic Approach in Daily Dental Practice. Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani. Bari, Italy, 24 October 1992.
Therapeutic Choises in Aesthetics. Update seminar for the University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthodontics. School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 12 November 1992.
Aesthetic Approach in Daily Dental Practice. Centro Corsi Ilic. Milano, Italy, 14 January 1993.
Ceramics and Microgold Structures - A State of the Art. Congress "Update on Aesthetics". Société Belge de Dentisterie Esthétique. Gand, Belgium, 30 January 1993.
Aesthetics in Paediatric Dentistry, Foundations, Principles, Morphopsychology, Anthropometry, Aesthetic Structural Principles, Facial, Dental and Gingival Components. Update seminar for the University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Dentistry and Prosthodontics. School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 8-9-10 March 1993.
Les Grandes Reconstructions Ceramo-Metalliques. Large Reconstructions using Metal-Ceramic Crowns. Conference " Le Monde Magique de la Ceramique et du Collage". Société Française de Dentisterie Esthétique. Paris, France, 26-27 March 1993.
Course of Aesthetic Dentistry Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani. Potenza, Italy, 24-25 April 1993.
Aesthetic Diagnosis and Therapy in Daily Practice. Update National Course of Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani. Milano, Italy, 7-8 May 1993.
Aesthetic in Pediatric Dentistry. The Role of the Laboratory. National Congress of Associazione Italiana Tecnici Ortodontici. Villasimius (Ca), Italy, 3-5 June 1993.
Course of Aesthetics. Lights, Colours, Shapes. Bleaching, Aesthetic Fillings, Inlays and Onlays in Ceramics, Maryland Bridges, Aesthetics in Temporary Restorations. Update seminar for the University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Update Course in Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Thraumatology. School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 7-9 June 1993.
Aesthetics Following Dental Trauma - an Interdisciplinary Approach. Fourth International Congress on Dental Trauma. Royal Society of Science, London, England, 10-12 June 1993.
The Bleaching Systems in the Discoloured Teeth. Fourth International Congress on Dental Trauma. Royal Society of Science, London, England, 10-12 June 1993.
Improving Aesthetics after Traumatic Injuries; the Role of Paediatric Dentistry. Early treatment - Aesthetic Results after 15-20 Year Follow Up. Fourth International Congress on Dental Trauma. Royal Society of Science, London, England, 10-12 June 1993.
Aesthetics in Conventional Metal-ceramic Crowns and Alternative. Gruppo Aggiornamento Odontoiatrico. Torino, Italy, 18 June 1993.
Bleaching of Vital Teeth. Convegno Nazionale Associazione Igieniste Dentali Italiane. Forte dei Marmi, Italy, 17-19 September 1993.
Aesthetics in Prosthetic Therapy. Conference Gramm Technick. Bergamo, Italy, 21 September 1993.
Aesthetics in Children's Dentistry. Bleaching, Maryland Bridges, Laminate Veneers, Porcelain Onlays . Conferenza Societa' Italiana di Odontoiatria Infantile. Associazione Medici Dentistii Italiani. S.Maria al Bagno (Le), Italy, 24-25 September 1993.
Aesthetics in Prosthetic Therapy. Conference Gramm Technick. Milano, Italy, 8 October 1993.
Porcelain Veneers. Congress of European College of Gerodontology. Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani - Lombardia. Milano, Italy, 15-17 October 1993.
New Techniques of Maryland Bridges. Congress of European College of Gerodontology. Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani - Lombardia. Milano, Italy, 15-17 October 1993.
Aesthetics in Prosthetic Therapy. Conference Gramm Technick. Fossano (Cu), Italy, 27 October 1993.
New Aspects in Dentistry. Centro Corsi Ilic. Milano, Italy, 15 November 1993.
Aesthetics in Orthodontics. Update seminar for the University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Update Course in Anthropometry. School of Specialization in Orthodontics. Cagliari, Italy, 21 January 1994.
Onlays and Laminate Veneers with the Lamina Vintage System. Simposio Shofu Vintage. Centro Corsi Ilic. Milano, Italy, 29 January 1994.
Aesthetics and Cosmetics in Dentistry. Professional update for Dental Hygienists. Bergamo, Italy, 14 March 1994.
Cosmetic Dentistry: Bleaching Teeth. 15th National Congress of Accademia Italiana di Medicina Estetica. Roma, Italy, 18-20 March 1994.
The Art of Ceramics: Traditional and Metallic Micro-Structures. Congrés Meditérranéen de Dentisterie. Djerba, Tunisie, 18-21 April 1994.
Aesthetics and Aesthetics. Société Belge de Dentisterie Esthétique. Antwerp, Belgium, 28-29 May 1994.
Ceramics or not Ceramics. Congress "Techniek en Esthetiek in Keramiek". Amsterdam, Holland, 23 September 1994.
Aesthetic and Bio-Compatibility of Electro-formed Gold-Ceramic Crowns. Piacenza, Italy, 23 March 1995.
Protheses Céramiques sur Chapes Metalliqués Electrodeposees ou sur Chapes Captek. Société Française de Dentisterie Esthétique. Paris, France, 30 March 1995.
Skin Aging: Prosthetics in Dentistry as a Support to Aesthetic Medicine. 16th National Congress of Accademia Italiana di Medicina Estetica.. Roma, Italy, 7-9 April 1995.
Gold and Aesthetics. 9th Scientific Meeting European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Interlaken, Switzerland, 29 April - 1 May 1995.
Euritmia and Estetica. 4th Meeting Odontoiatrico Primaverile. Poggio Grande, Italy, 13-14 May 1995.
Comparison of Multiple Ceramo-metal Techniques in Aesthetic Dentistry. 20th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Palm Beach, Florida , 2-5 August 1995.
Aesthetic Rehabilitation in Daily Practice. Update Course for the Order of Medical-Surgeons and Dental Surgeons of Prato. Prato, Italy, 2 December 1995.
Captek Technique: the Metal Ceramic Evolution. 5th Symposium of Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica dell'Adriatico. Pesaro, Italy, 30 March 1996.
The Aesthetic Metal-Ceramic Prosthesis: the Actual State of the Art. Update course of Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Lecce, Italy, 12-13 April 1996.
New Metal-Ceramic Crowns: from Lab to Chair. Open Meeting European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Cannes, France, 1-4th May 1997.
The State of the Art in Metal Ceramic Rehabilitations. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Trieste, Italy, 12 September 1997.
Aesthetics in Metal Ceramic Crowns. Associazione Italiana di Odontoiatria Generale. 5th National Congress. Cattolica, Italy, 28 February 1998.
Aggiornamento sulle metodiche di sbiancamento dentale. Accademia di Estetica Dentale Italiana. IX Simposio Nazionale. Milano, Italy, 28 March 1998.
Metal Ceramics: New Conceptes in Aesthetics. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Ferrara, Italy, 17 April 1998.
Techniques actuelles d'éclaircissement des dents. 5ème Congrès International de Dentisterie Esthétique. Paris, France, 14-16 January 1999.
A Comparison of Multiple Ceramo-Metal Techniques. American Prosthodontic Society. Annual Meeting. 71st Anniversary Year. Chicago, Illinois, 18-20 February 1999.
Obtenciòn de la Estética en la Prática Cotidiana. Today Advanced Dentistry-Cursos de Actualizacion Profesional. Auditorio Mapfre. Madrid, Spain, 30 April 1999.
The Esthetic Perception. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Regione Marche. Pesaro, Italy, 5 June 1999.
The Esthetic Perception. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Regione Puglia. Baia delle Zagare (Fg), Italy,5 June 1999.
The Esthetic of the face from A to Z: Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Bleaching, Make-up. Associazione Igienisti Dentali Italiani . IX National Congress. Roma, Italy, 24-25-26 September 1999.
Clinical observations and scientific researches made on microstructures for metal-ceramic restoration. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Regione Lazio. Centro Congressi Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma. Roma, Italy, 27 September 1999. Clinical observations and scientific researches made on microstructures for metal-ceramic restoration. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Regione Piemonte. Hotel Diplomatic. Torino, Italy, 28 September 1999. Metal and alloys in esthetic metal-ceramic restorations. British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry. 3rd Congress. Celtic Manor , Newport, Wales 14-15-16 October 1999.
Lo Sbiancamento: Tecniche a confronto. Corso IDECO. Hotel Boscolo Tower. Bologna, Italy, 16 November 1999.
L'éclaircissement des dents. DMD Europe Paris, France, 18 November 1999.
The Esthetics in Restorative Dentistry. Update Seminar for the University of Ancona, Marche, Italy. Institute of Stomatology, Graduate Course of Restorative Dentistry. Ancona, Italy, 17 December 1999.
La Correlazione tra Odontoiatria Estetica ed Estetica Globale del Viso. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. 5° Simposio Santa Apollonia in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Centro Congressi Ente Fiera. Udine, Italy, 11-12 Febbraio 2000.
La riabilitazione protesica nella routine quotidiana. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Etneo. Catania, Italy, 8 April 2000.
Ethik und Ästhetik. Die Aufgaben eines Lehrstuhls für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde. 7 Jahrestagung Deutschen Gesellschaft Äesthetiche Zahneilkunde. Westerburg, Germany, 22-24 June 2000.
Überblick über die Möglichkeiten der ästhetischen restauration. 7 Jahrestagung Deutschen Gesellschaft Äesthetiche Zahneilkunde. Westerburg, Germany, 22-24 June 2000.
Osservazioni cliniche e ricerche scientifiche eseguite sulle nuove microstrutture per metallo-ceramica. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Torinese. Torino, Italy, 16 November 2000.
Protesi Estetica e Cosmesi. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Marchigiano. Ancona, Italy, 15 December 2000.
Ethics in Esthetic Dentistry: Perception and Knowledge. International of Dental Foundation. Courchevel, France, 24 - 31 March 2001.
A Comparison of Multiple Ceramo-Metal Techniques. International of Dental Foundation. Courchevel, France, 24 - 31 March 2001.
Esthetic in Dentistry: Perception and Ability, or Knowledge and Technology? Prodent Congress. Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 - 17 May 2001.
L'Estetica Globale del viso: Percezione, Make up e Ginnastica del viso. Third Congress Associazione Igieniste Dentali Italiana. Regione Sicilia. Mondello, Palermo, Italy 30 June 2001.
L'Estetica nella routine quotidiana: lo sbiancamento dentale nello stato dell'arte. Third Congress Associazione Igieniste Dentali Italiana. Regione Sicilia. Mondello, Palermo, Italy 30 June 2001.
Il Senso Estetico. 16th National Congress S.I.D.O. Genova, Italy, 25 - 27 October 2001.
Materiali in Protesi Estetica: Percezione e Conoscenza. Congresso Regionale A.N.D.I.Lombardia. Varese, 16 - 17 November 2001.
Materiali e Tecniche a confronto in Protesi Estetica. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Piacenza, 4 December 2001
Materiali e Tecniche a confronto in Protesi Estetica. Cultural Odonto Club. Torino, 21 January 2002.
Estetica in Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Siracusa, 2 March 2002.
Odontoiatria a Fini Estetici. XXIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica Roma, 22 - 24 March 2002.
Estetica in Protesi Fissa. Gruppo Aggiornamento Odontoiatrico. Torino, 13 April 2002.
Perception, Material and Technologies: Less Esthetics, More Ethics. 3rd Tri-Annual World Congress of International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry. Arlington, Virginia, 3 - 5 October 2002.
Eziologia e trattamento dei discromatismi dentari. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Torino, 5 November 2002.
Esthetics: Talent, Perception o Knowledge? The Smile Day Alpha Omega Italia. Rome, Italy, 30 November 2002.
Etica o Estetica? Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Novarese. Arona, Novara, Italy, 29 March 2003.
Percezione e conoscenza: meno Estetica più Etica. VI Corso di Aggiornamento Professionale in Odontoiatria OMCeO. Catania, Italy, 3-4 October 2003.
Ethics, Esthetics and Function of Gold Ceramic Restorations. I Congresso Nazionale PASE. Warsaw, Poland, 25 October 2003.
Aisthetikos. Seminario Protesico PASE. Warsaw, Poland, 16 January 2004.
Ethics and Perception. Progetto Ceramica 2004. Bergamo, Italy, 31 January 2004.
Rehabilitations: problems and solutions. Euro Expo Dental Paris Paris, France, 7-10 April 2004.
Estetica: percezione, conoscenza ed Etica. S.I.O.R. Lovere, Bergamo, 20 October 2004.
Face Building Program. XV World Congress of U.I.M.E. XXVI National Congress Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica . II Three-day Italian Meeting on Anti-Aging Medicine. Rome, Italy, 5 - 8 May 2005.
Lo stato dell’arte nello sbiancamento dentale. Istituto Stomatologico Italiano. Milan, Italy, 26 September 2006.
IL Senso dell’Estetica. Discussion in Orthodontics, Ferrara University Ferrara, Italy, 19-20 October 2006. Odontoiatria Estetica: lo sbiancamento. A.I.O. Firenze Incontri Firenze, Italy, 11 November 2006. Estetica. Istituto San Raffaele Milano, Italy, 22 November 2006.
Science and Practice: Cooperation and Goal. PASE Congress. Warsaw, Poland, 26-27 January 2007.
Denti e viso: l’estetica globale. The art of smile. Eventi Dental Trey. Viareggio, Italy, 17 February 2007.
Wspoldzialanie Medycyny estetycznej i stomatologii w odmladzaniu twarzy i ookolicy ust. PASE VII Miedzynarodowa Konferencja. Warsaw, Poland, 29 September 2007.
La Panestetica. ANDI FCO National Course Milan, Italy, 5 October 2007.
Principi di Estetica ed importanza del Sorriso. Ultradent Day Mantova, Italy, 8-10 May 2008.
Le faccette in ceramica: lo stato dell'arte in estetica restaurativa. 1° Evento FONDAZIONE VITAL DENT . Portofino, Italy, 7 June 2008.
Estethics: what else? Anatomia, cosmesi odontoiatrica, make up, ginnastica del viso, interdisciplinarietà con la medicina estetica. Expodental Forum Milan, Italy, 8-11 October 2008.
Laminate Veneers. Denco Full Day Course Warsaw University. Warsaw, Poland, 7 February 2009.
I Limiti dell’Estetica. SIDOC 13 Congresso Nazionale Rome, Italy, 19 - 21 February 2009.
Odontoiatria Estetica. Scuola Internazionale di Medicina Estetica Fondazione Internazionale Fatebenefratelli Roma, Italy, 17 March 2011.
Odontoiatria Estetica. Corso di Aggiornamento. Ancona, 18 Aprile 2009.
L’Altra Faccia dell’Estetica 2th International Congress Dental Tribune Italian Edition. Salerno, Italy - 6th June 2009.
Le Monde Magique de la Dentisterie Estetique. Belgian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Course Bruxelles, Belgium, 12 September 2009.
Beyond the Esthetics. Dental Sapiens – Alumni Association. Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Porto Porto, Portugal, 19 September 2009.
Esthetics: What Else? 13 Uluslararasi. Estetik Dişhekimliği Congresi Istanbul 2-3-4- Ekim 2009.
Oltre l’Estetica. Istituto Stomatologico Italiano. Milano, Italy, 15 October 2009.
Le Faccette in Ceramica: Estetica e Clinica. Corsi ECM Aries 2. Milano, Italy, 13 November 2009.
Le Faccette in Ceramica. II Incontri Odontoiatrici Insubri. Lugano, Switzerland. 14 November 2009.
Laminate Veneers. Theorical-Practical full Day Course. Denco Course, Warsaw University. Warsaw, Poland, 10 January 2010.
Odontoiatria Estetica. Scuola Internazionale di Medicina Estetica Fondazione Internazionale Fatebenefratelli Roma, Italy, 25 March 2010.
Laminate Veneers. Theorical-Practical full Day Course. Denco Course, Warsaw University. Warsaw, Poland, 15 May 2010. Esthetics: the Portrait of Contemporary Decadentism. 5th Quintessence Intenational Simposium Moscow, Russian Federation, 12 June 2010.
Laminate Veneers. Theorical-Practical full Day Course. Denco Course, Warsaw University. Warsaw, Poland, 28 November 2010.
Expanding the borders of aesthetic care: the multidisciplinary approach to the Beauty. Quintessence Periodontal Meeting Moscow, Russian Federation, 5 December 2010.
Esthetics: the Portrait of Contemporary Decadentism. Worldwide Masters in Dentistry 2011 1st Online Multidisciplinary Symposium. Tel Aviv,Israel, 16-17 December 2010.
Odontoiatria Estetica Scuola Internazionale di Medicina Estetica Fondazione Internazionale Fatebenefratelli Roma, Italy, 17 March 2011.
Esthetic Dentistry: expectations vs possibilities. X International Forum "DENTISTRY OF TATARSTAN". Kazan,Tatarstan Republic, 24th of May 2011.
Porcelain Laminate Veneers. Theorical-Practical full Day Course. Department of Dentistry and Dental Assistance. Policlinic n.1 Administative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Russian Federation, 26 May 2011.
Porcelain Laminate Veneers: The State of the Art. CEDE 2011 Poznań, Poland, 22-24 September -2011.
Laminas de porcelana: The State of the Art. Curso Abierto. Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid, Espana, 3 December 2011.
The Decadentism of the True Esthetics. DGAZ INTERNA 2012 Meeting Westerburg, Germany, 27 -28 April 2012.
The Decadence of Contemporary Esthetics. 1st Quintessence Intenational Simposium. Sofia, Bulgaria, 27-28 April 2012.
Future in Esthetic Dentistry: The Multidisciplinary Approach. Golden Palette 11th International Congress. Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 16-18 May 2012.
Principles, Materials and Techniques for the rejuvenation of the face and the smile. IAED 3rd International Meeting. Monastier di Treviso, Italy, 28th of September 2013. Lectio Magistralis. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria. Varese, Italy, 13 December 2013.
The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 3-4 May 2014.
Botox and Fillers. Practical Course. IAED 4th International Meeting. Monastier di Treviso, Italy, 20th of September 2014. The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 18-19th of October 2014.
Estetica Dentale: What Else? Principi, Materiali e Tecniche per il ringiovanimento del volto e del sorriso. ANDI Regione Marche 2015. Ancona, Italy, 7th of February 2015.
Il nuovo volto dell’Estetica: Faccette, Botox e Filler. Corso Teorico GLAD. Padova, Italy, 27th of February 2015.
The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 11-15th of March 2015.
Oltre i confini dell'Odontoiatria Estetica: l'approccio multidisciplinare. 30° Aggiornamento in Dermocosmetologia Medica, Chirurgica e Riabilitativa. Università G. d'Annunzio. Chieti, Italy 27-28th of March 2015.
Materials and Techniques for Rejuvenation of the Face and Smile. Workshop. IAED 5th International Meeting. Monastier di Treviso, Italy, 20th of September 2015.
Material vs Technique: the two faces of Esthetic Dentistry. World Dental Implant Symposium Moscow, Russian Federation, 26-27th of September 2015.
The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 5th-7th of December 2015.
The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 28th-29th of May 2016. Beyond the borders of Esthetic Dentistry:the management of aging face. Sofia Dental Meeting Sofia, Bulgaria, 7th of October 2016.
The management of the aging face in Esthetic Dentistry. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Athens, Greece, 5th-6th of November 2016.
The management of the aging face. Theorical-Practical 2-Days Course. Haifa, Israel, 1st-2nd of December 2016.
Oltre i limiti dell’Estetica Dentale. Face e Sorriso: a Percep Liguria Odontoiatrica 2017. Genova, Italy, 31st March-1st April 2017.
Face e Sorriso: a percepção estética. São Paulo, Brasil, 11th-13th of November 2017.
The Full Face of Esthetics. Association of Dentists of Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine, 18th-19th of October 2018.
Think Outside of the Box. Association of Dentists of Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine, 8th-9th of February 2019.
Let's change our mind in Esthetic Dentistry! MAS Congress Bucuresti, România , 13th-25th of September 2021.
La Tossina Botulinica Master in Medicina Estetica, Nutrizione e Anti-Aging AIMS Milano, Italy 28th-29th of September 2024.
Idrossiapatite di Calcio e ripristino dei Volumi del Viso. Master in Medicina Estetica, Nutrizione e Anti-Aging AIMS Bari, Italy 19th of October 2024.